During the first world war, an ordinary but brave soldier receives seemingly impossible orders. Join the online game Battalion Commander 1917 at abcya games play. Accept the challenges and together discover new and unexpected things in this game. We will have the opportunity to change lives. Fight and save innocent soldiers. You will play together and overcome challenges. Train skills to use attractive combat guns. Trust me you will love it.
In a race against time, he must traverse enemy territory to find a giant enemy machine and destroy it capable of saving his teammates. This soldier is you! Free the captive soldiers on enemy territory and they will join you in the quest. Collect gold in each run to buy valuable upgrades including heavy tanks! What are you waiting for? Join now the online game Battalion Commander 1917 at https://abcya.club/. You will have a great experience.
You are very brave and not afraid of danger. You will enter a lone battle. You will fight alone and without support. Your teammates are under arrest. Free them at a dangerous place. You will have to destroy all the enemy guards. Show the bravery of a battalion commander. You will take the opportunity and do it well. You kill many opponents you will collect gold and buy weapons and battle tanks. Hope to rescue the territory depends on you.
Try to play hard! You will be a wartime hero. The battle will end and you win. The enemy will shoot you. You are the bravest and most agile squad leader. What do you think when you discover some other games similar to Tank Zombies 3D.
Game controls: Use the mouse to join the game.